Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Any examples used are for illustrative purposes only and do not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and may not be suitable for all investors. It is not intended to predict the performance of any specific investment and is not a solicitation or recommendation of any investment strategy.
[00:00:18] Speaker B: This is another money show. Get set for another hour of the latest financial information and economic news affecting your bottom line. J.R. and Anthony are committed to helping more Americans like you optimize their inc. Reduce their tax risk and reach financial freedom. So let's start the show. Here are your hosts Anthony Correjo and JR Rochford.
[00:00:42] Speaker C: Here we are, Anthony Correjo and JR Rachford bringing you news you may not.
[00:00:48] Speaker D: Find on those other you already messed it up. That's right. We're going to leave this in and I'll correct it. Here we are, your host Anthony Crayle NJR Rochford taking a break from our day to day as financial advisors with Rochford and Associates, a fully independent fourth generation family office right here in the greater Phoenix area. And now is when you say to bringing information you may not find on those other shows. You want to know.
[00:01:14] Speaker C: You know I'm sick this week. And by the way, why am I sick this week? I was sick in November and now I'm sick again in the beginning of February. I didn't feel well last Thursday. Then I was a little worse on Friday than by Saturday.
[00:01:27] Speaker D: Is it because you're so sickly now?
[00:01:29] Speaker C: That's exactly what I thought it was my age. Thanks a lot Anthony. What happens?
[00:01:32] Speaker D: You didn't even play the last part yet. You may not find on those other radio shows. Last job you need is another money show. But we appreciate you being here. There we go. Now we're all complete. Now you can talk about sickly you are.
[00:01:44] Speaker C: We do appreciate you being here but I just want to know why I've generally, I mean I don't get sick that much. You've been in the office almost seven years and when you first got there I didn't get sick like this. It's ever since COVID So either a. I think I've had a little bit of long Covid or whatever it is. So I, you know, I think I've had it three times. I am one of these pure blood crazy people. I have never been tested, never been vaxed, never been.
[00:02:11] Speaker D: Maybe you should have been.
[00:02:12] Speaker C: Maybe, maybe so. I mean I. Maybe I have long Covid. Maybe it's the metals in the air we breathe, the fluoride and Chlorine in the water, we drink the processed food. Maybe we're just meant to be unhealthy. So come on, rfk, you know, start getting. Start getting ramped up and make us healthier because this is ridiculous. I mean, it's just noticeable that a few months go by and I'm sick again. I don't understand it. So we, Anthony and I, today, as we record, is the 6th of February. It's Thursday the 6th. We took the day off yesterday, went out to Scottsdale for the tpc, Scottsdale for the Phoenix Open. That. You know, first of all, if you don't like big crowds, it may not be your thing. Sam brought up the fact that, you know, I mean, when you're. Wherever you are, you only see a little part of it. So it's much easier if you're a golf fan to watch it on tv. So.
[00:03:06] Speaker D: But a big crowd experience than anything else. People that are into it are super into it. But I, you know, where we were at in those suites areas, nobody was watching, nobody cared. Everybody was there for the drinks and the food and to party.
[00:03:19] Speaker C: I watched a total of about four minutes because one little foursome went by and all of a sudden people were cheering. I mean, we saw Aaron Rodgers go by, we saw some big names go by, but the one that went by that everybody started, I thought it was John Daly. I looked down there and I saw this not exactly specimen of physical prowess. It was Jelly Roll. So I actually got to watch Jelly roll on the 18th hole. So that was fun. What the hell is a Jelly Roll, by the way? My understanding is he's country. He doesn't look country. You know, when I did a little research, I'm like, well, all right, whatever. Now I'm showing my age anyway, so big crowds, you have to park kind of far away.
The shuttle experience was great. You know, a little bit of walking yesterday, especially when you don't feel good, it was a little too much walking for me, but. So we're sitting on this bus to go over there, and I'm. I'm coughing. You know, I'm trying to keep it reserved, but I'm coughing. The guy next to us clearly was a little worried about how much I'm coughing, so. And whenever I made eye contact with him, I just kind of smiled a little bit. Like, do I bother saying, don't worry, I have seasonal allergies. You know, do I bother saying, well, I have some miscellaneous cold or flu, just a chest cold or whatever. Do I say I have bird flu? You know, first of all, if you're worried about people and their illness, maybe.
[00:04:40] Speaker D: You wear a mask and just be considerate of others around you.
[00:04:43] Speaker C: Oh, maybe you bite me. I don't believe masks don't work. Have you ever worn a mask and you smell food or whatever, then apparently they don't work. So anyway.
[00:04:51] Speaker D: Or, I mean, I don't know, have you ever had surgeries and they wear masks and cover up and. Yeah, I forgot. You're the mask.
[00:04:58] Speaker C: I do. Oh, man. And put Jelly Roll Golfing up on the screen. He's John Daly's like, dang, this guy's not in the greatest shape. But anyway, so I don't know, it was just kind of funny because, you know, this poor man. I'm like, you really? You're going to go into a crowd of thousands of people and you're worried about somebody coughing? Get over yourself. But it was fun. We. We got into a suite, so that was nice. Get to eat and drink. I wish I felt better.
Anything else? Santhi on the TPC Scottsdale for the Open.
[00:05:29] Speaker D: Nope, I got nothing.
[00:05:31] Speaker C: Okay, well, and if you're gonna head out there, I'll tell you one thing, the weather, absolutely beautiful. I feel like it actually did me good because we sat out in the sun a little bit, the vitamin D, that sort of thing. So I do feel a little bit better today. So that's good. Moving on. I guess as normal, I need to tell you our job here, we bring you current events. You know, when I say another money show, it's tongue in cheek. I mean, we are not an hour long infomercial. We're a show on current events and how they're likely to affect your finances, your future, your life, your kids, your grandkids. Why? Holy crap. So you think 2024 was weird? You know, the new president has only been in office, like 17 days. You know, I mean, it feels like.
[00:06:12] Speaker D: A year, but it's very wild. 17 days. A lot has gotten done. And for good or bad or we're not quite sure yet, but depends who you're getting done. You know, a little bit too much in the executive orders part, if you ask me.
[00:06:27] Speaker C: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me stop you right there, because.
[00:06:29] Speaker D: I know you can talk about how you complained about all the other presidents doing it, but now you're not complaining about executive orders. Is that what we're going to do? I know you want to not talk as much this week, so let me just say your spiel for you and say how they set the presidents and Made this, let me tell you. All right, let's do it. Let's hear it now.
[00:06:49] Speaker C: Once you get my adrenaline going, I'll talk. You know that I don't care how sick. I'll be on my deathbed, and people will be like, geez, for somebody who's dying. Does he shut up? No. So you know where that started. You were younger at the time. But let me share something with you.
[00:07:02] Speaker D: But that doesn't make it right.
[00:07:03] Speaker C: It doesn't make it right. I never said it was right. Obama said as long as he has a pen and a phone, he can do whatever he wants. That's not the case. That's. That's a king. That's a dictator. So. So this started with Obama. And I don't care who you are, tinfoil hat or not, Obama had three terms. I will not back down my thinking on certain conspiracy theories. Obama had two terms and then a third under Biden. He started this. Did Trump do executive orders? Yes, he did. Do I think it's a good idea? No, I don't. You know, I mean, but right now, you had a government under Obama for three terms. You had your chance to make America better. I won't say great again because, you.
[00:07:44] Speaker D: Know, that's kind of hope for making stuff better.
[00:07:47] Speaker C: We. Yeah, but a lot of people don't. You say mag, and people freak the hell out. People with Trump derangement syndrome get on a ledge. It's like, you know, if you have kids or grandkids, you better wake the heck up and see the direction we're going. So. And. And I can tell you, under Obama is really where debt started rising more dramatically. I think Obama's administration was the most polarizing in the history of administrations. Think about Bill Clinton and earlier. There's always been two sides of the aisle. It was never quite as extreme as it is right now. And by the way, we've been doing the show almost three years ago. Three years now. And when we started, I said, how does this end? Obviously, to be 20, 30 years out, we're just three years closer to that. It ends with another civil war. This country breaks in half, and you're going to have red states and blue states because we're too far apart to get along. You know, Phoenix, you do realize last night was night six of immigration protests. You know that, right? Anthony, We. We didn't see it. When you go the 101 over to Scottsdale and the 101 back to the west side, you don't get to see what's happening. Downtown. But I did look for YouTube clips from the news stations. It's pretty amazing. You know, when you shut down freeways, you just going to piss off regular folk, first of all. Second, my observation, a what you, you are protesting people sending you to Mexico. How are you doing it? Not with United States flags. There's a ton of Mexico flags. What, what am I missing? You're, you want to, you know, tout Mexico, but you don't want to leave here. So that means to me, as an uninformed voter, you want to make the United States Mexico.
I mean, am I missing something? You want to change this country dramatically. And by the way, another thing, under Obama, we're going to fundily transform this nation. Well, boy, we're on the right track. You know, my whole thing, I'm a financial guy. I see things through a financial lens. I know that everything going on in this country is, it's not going to last forever. We are Rome, we are, we are ridiculous. 36.4 trillion in debt. Well, and later in this show today, we've got a couple articles. They're going to talk about how that's, you know, rapidly about to change. The awareness right now is huge on what's going on. But back to the pen of the phone, the executive orders. I have not ever said it's okay if it's under Trump, but it's not okay under Biden or Obama. I have never said that. I don't, I think there should be a process. I think there's a judicial branch, an executive branch and a legislative branch for a reason. I don't know. So I'm not sure where you got that.
[00:10:30] Speaker D: Sorry, I mean, spent the last 10 minutes saying it was okay essentially. So just fine because it was done before him.
[00:10:40] Speaker C: No, I'm, I don't think it's okay.
[00:10:42] Speaker D: This is enough topic anyways. What do you want to talk about with all these executive orders and everything going on? Do you want to talk about the tariffs? Do you want to talk about the External Revenue Service?
[00:10:52] Speaker C: Well, first of all, I can't wait. I mean, you know, we talked about that last week. I mean, I've thought I forever. I can't remember not thinking we need to go to a flat tax and a consumption tax. We already have the consumption tax. If I buy a pack of gum, I pay less than Bill Gates if he buys a helicopter. So last week I had to use the, if he bought a yacht. But now I can go back to helicopter because enough time's gone by since the helicopter crashed into the plane, that, that, that story is already kind of quiet. Drones are gone, the quad is gone. Maybe I have the bird flu. Sam, are we going to talk about bird flu today? You know what? We have to, we have to bring some up to the one and only Sam Davis. He's a little bit under the weather in a different way. I won't go into his personal HIPAA protected information, but Sam had some dental work done.
[00:11:42] Speaker D: So it sounds like you're going to go exactly into some HIPAA stuff that you're.
[00:11:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess. Too late, huh? I guess I did. Well, I mean, if I didn't say dental, then people could say, you know, they could, their imagination could run wild. So. But Sam asked one thing of me. He asked me to try not to make him laugh today. So obviously I'll try to be on my best behavior and not make him laugh. Our show, you know, I mean, I hear it, I listen to it every Saturday when I can. I hear it again on Sunday, a 960 the Patriot. So it, it is kind of funny. I mean, we talk 100% about the end of this country, the end of the world. We're all going to die. World War Three, Iran. Oh, by the way, did you hear that Trump has left pretty specific orders if he gets assassinated on how to handle Iran. That, that this is like we're in a really unusual time in our history. So I can't wait to see how this all plays out.
[00:12:37] Speaker D: What were the orders? I haven't heard that one yet.
[00:12:39] Speaker C: Basically, who to go after and how to go after him and what to shut down. And I mean, I'm pretty sure we're not privy to all the, you know, names and where they live and so forth, but basically he's thinking that Iran is going to try to take them out and, you know, I mean, a little different. Go back to Obama again. Obama overnight dropped off a pallet of cash.
One of the things. Yeah, I guess before we get to the external revenue service, 15 minutes into.
[00:13:06] Speaker D: The show yet, and I have yet to talk about anything financial.
[00:13:09] Speaker C: Yeah, but isn't it.
[00:13:10] Speaker D: They were another money show and not just a money show.
[00:13:13] Speaker C: I'm sick. Sam's medicated. You're crabby as usual. I mean, this is good radio. So let's talk for a second about money. Let's talk about how we get to the External Revenue Service instead of the internal. So apparently Elon Musk is ruffling a feather or two. I'm going to get to the first article here.
The Doge, the committee that started. Oh, by the way, don't forget to go to that usdebtclock.org and watch our never ending debt and also watch the Doge part of it because he's definitely finding money. And again, this is not even a three week old administration and look at what's going on. So anyway, so to get to where we start shaving the 36.4 trillion in debt, to get to where we could actually lower our income taxes down to a flat tax and a consumption tax, we've got Elon Musk. Are you. I know, Anthony, you don't watch the news like I do. I know you don't look for stuff every night of the week like I do, but you have to have heard something about like Chuck Schumer. Are you, are you seeing anything about Chuck Schumer? And some of these people that, that are really literally freaking out crazy about.
[00:14:39] Speaker D: The Elon Musk and the Doge thing. I mean some of it's, some of it's legitimate. Some of the concerns and just access he's been given, I definitely get that. But him shaking up the system and I'm in fan, I'm a fan of.
[00:14:52] Speaker C: Like, I mean, I.
What, what bothers you about him shaking up that. What, what is extreme about you think.
[00:14:59] Speaker D: You just give people, random private citizens access to all, all of our information?
[00:15:05] Speaker C: You think that's come on as an advisor? So basically he was a private citizen and he's also like the, the, he's the modern genius. I mean, you know, when you look at history, I mean this, this Tesla, we have SpaceX, we have things because of this visionary that we didn't have. And I've also read that he's also the Antichrist and he's evil and don't trust him. I mean, I don't give a crap about that. All I know is if we, we've been on the air for three years saying that this country's going the wrong direction and all of a sudden we've done on a dime, we've done 180 degree turn.
Musk, if you're listening, whatever you need, I'm here for you. I'll wait till I'm healthy again. Don't worry. I don't want to give you this crud. Whatever I have. No, you know what? I'm done with everything. So to me, Trump trusts him. Trump's taking him under his wing. If this guy can, can clean up the ridiculous. You know, I hate to use the word swamp, it's way worse than a swamp. This cesspool. I don't know a word, you know, strong enough. With what's coming out the last couple weeks, if nothing else, the next four years, we're going to shine a light on some pretty dirty dealings. You and I, for three years on the show have pointed that out. You know, we bring you the Festivus Report every year. This stuff with the USAID makes the Festivus Report look like nothing. So we're going to get to a little of that Chuck Schumer, though, for a second. Listen to him. Why would you bring Chuck Schumer out? Chuck Schumer. Let me read one little. I'm going to read an X from Cash Patel. Chuck Schumer has never held a job in the private sector and his net worth is $81 million. Let me read a little more. Born in 1950, graduated law school in 1975, leeching off taxpayers since 1975, never had a real job. Chuck Schumer is the poster child for term limits. Oh, come on. Warren Biden. Biden, I think, would be the poster child. Yeah. Harry Reid. Remember that guy from Nevada? We've had a lot of poster children. There'd have to be a lot of posters for these people. So how are you a public servant for the since 1975 and you are worth 81 million? You're supposed to think about Constitution, think about Bill of Rights amendments, think about how this country was founded, think about politicians. You were supposed to leave your job as a doctor or a lawyer or whatever, and you were supposed to go represent your company. And then you were supposed to go back to your job. You were not supposed to be a public servant for your entire life. Bernie Sanders, don't worry, you're safe. You know, you were supposed to help the country, not hurt it. If this dude and I found a couple things that said right in that range is worth over $80 million. And you don't think Musk should find out why and how he's a public servant? It should be transparent how he made this money. For the first time in my life, and I'm 60 years of age, we may find out how dirty our country is. Nation building. I better be careful. I don't want them to. Nation building. Sun City at my house. So, switching gears to another X from Elon Musk. It's a little listing of some of the pharma money each senator received. I'll just read the top four or five. Bernie Sanders. Hey, just thinking about you from Vermont. $1.9 million just in pharma Money. I mean, the dude's got what, three cars and a supercar. And pharma money.
[00:18:39] Speaker D: What's pharma money?
[00:18:40] Speaker C: Pharma money Getting kickbacks from the pharmaceuticals like Pfizer.
[00:18:43] Speaker D: The people that Bernie Sanders getting kickbacks.
[00:18:46] Speaker C: Bernie frickin Sanders. Yes. Yes. Can you imagine? Yeah. Look at, look at me opening up Anthony's eyes. It's this, this Trump administration is going to bring a grand awakening, even to you. Let me read the next one. Raphael Warnock out of Georgia, 1.7 million. Elizabeth Warren, the squeaky clean Native American Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, 1.2 million. Ron Wyden from Oregon, 1.2 million. I'll stop there because they go down in order from there. But Bernie, focus on you for a second. We'll focus on the big dog. So. Wow.
[00:19:23] Speaker D: I mean, almost nothing to say that none of that's true, though.
[00:19:27] Speaker C: Oh, come on, Anthony, stop being so naive. How are these people getting so well?
[00:19:31] Speaker D: See, I'll have to look more into that. But again, people say all kinds of things without proof.
[00:19:37] Speaker C: You don't see, like Bernie Sanders. You don't see that this guy's never had a job and yet he's a millionaire. You don't see the people.
[00:19:44] Speaker D: Yeah, they pay a fortune to these Congress members and he's done it his whole life.
[00:19:48] Speaker C: So it's not like, what does a congressperson make?
[00:19:54] Speaker D: What do they make?
[00:19:55] Speaker C: 274. Okay, okay, but how do you get, how do you get a billion?
[00:19:59] Speaker D: So for 40 years of that, and you don't think people can put money together and make money? I mean, that's more than a lot of the people in the private sector. How do you not know how money works? You're an advisor.
[00:20:10] Speaker C: I don't know how money works. I don't, I don't know how corruption works. I know how money works. I know that we have clients of all different walks of life, from strict, like literal fixed income, just Social Security up to, like, people that are very wealthy. And I, and I don't see. Chuck, if you're still listening, I don't see people with $81 million. It's, it's just rare in my almost 30 years. And then again, I'm a fourth generation, fully independent, you know, family practice. We're not buying demographics list. If people need help, we help them. People that need help that can't do anything for us, commission wise, we help them. So I'm not a good example. I don't work for a firm that's making me, you know, do These lunch seminars where we're, I don't be careful that slam every firm out there. But I know, I do know how money works. And I know that you're being naive if you don't think these, these lifelong politicians are worth way more than what they should be. And by the way, the politicians also, you know, even local ones. I don't know if you know this, Anthony. Actually, I think you do. I was married to a senator's daughter. That's how I started being politically inclined. This was in the 90s and I, I was introduced to Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh. I mean it was a, it was a Republican senator. So that was kind of how I realized that's more the alignment of my personal life with a political side. And it was funny because this woman, the, you know, my mother in law, she, she had a, it was called a pch, I think it was card where the taxpayers bought all her gas.
And I want to be very careful because this is like real world stuff. She had a placard for her car. So if during session she got pulled over for speeding, they could not stop her or detain her. They had to let her go at I, yeah, I got to be real careful how much I say some of the like.
[00:21:55] Speaker D: But also you're saying it's really easy for. I'm saying the government, the money they.
[00:22:01] Speaker C: Make well, and also not pay for anything. This, these people don't pay for meal.
It's just, but it's, it's just seedy.
[00:22:10] Speaker D: That there's not corruption. 100% there's corruption.
[00:22:13] Speaker C: But I think the level of corruption that we are about to find out is going to stagger the mind. I think what we're seeing right now, especially with this US Aid, I think what we're seeing right now is showing that the corruption is way worse than even people like me who thought it was really bad.
I don't know. I think it's insane.
So, yeah, I can't wait for you to do some digging and see what kind of kickbacks people like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer have taken.
Let's see here.
We have a few minutes before break time. Let's get into this article on usaid under fire after Taxpayer Dollars Fund Transgender operas in Colombia, Afghanistan, opium trade. This is from msn.com on February 3, 2025. You know, we just, I think it was last week or the week before. I had to try not to snicker as we brought you a story about stopping sending $50 million worth of condoms to Gaza. This stuff's all way worse. So let's see here. USAID exposed the single largest criminal fraud operation in human history. The public's outrage over USAID corruption is now at a scale and mainstream USAID has been fully exposed as a left wing money laundering criminal organization. Here's what our research were able to find out when looking into their expenditures and why President Trump and Elon Musk must shut it down. I'll just read a few of these. Let's see here. Haiti post 2010 earthquake 1.14 billion was spent on a port in a power plant project promoted by President Bill Clinton. The project never built anything. Cuba A 2006 audit showed 74 million in democracy promotion funds vanished without oversight. Afghanistan millions squandered on health scams. Hospitals never built. This is all insane.
And that was from a example from this article. Let me read a few of these if you don't mind. So the United States Agency for International Development, the usaid, is facing intense scrutiny. Scrutiny after a damning report revealed decades of wasteful spending, questionable allocations and outright abuse of taxpayer dollars. From funding transgender operas in Colombia to supporting irrigation canals for poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. The agency's spending habits have sparked outrage among lawmakers and taxpayer alike. The lawmakers. I don't care about you. I'm starting to think you're all dirty. You know part of this USAID that's come out? $27 million to the George Soros Prosecutor Fund. So how what, what what Faith driving lawmakers. George Soros, Isn't he a billionaire? Doesn't he hate this country? So our taxpayer dollars. $27 million went to him and he's a billionaire that hates us. For years the USAID has operated with minimal oversight, funneling billions of dollars into projects that critics argue have little to no connection to its mission of promoting global development and humanitarian aid. I'm just going to read a few examples like I did with the festivus report recently. 1.5 million to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in Serbia's workplace and business communities. Serbia? You gave me a film from Serbia one time years ago. 70.
[00:26:03] Speaker D: Serbia needs is a DEI training. Pretty sure they're all on board with that. And that's what's going to be well spent.
[00:26:10] Speaker C: Yes. You've gone to Ireland a couple of times since I've known you. Luckily, we spent $70,000 for the production of a DEI musical in Ireland. 2.5 million.
[00:26:21] Speaker D: Plan to go back? Maybe I can go watch that.
[00:26:24] Speaker C: Yes, well, they don't ever be produced.
[00:26:26] Speaker D: That list though, because we're coming to the end of this one. So we will be back. We'll talk more about the USAID fund and where some of that wasteful spending is going. In the meantime, if you like any of the political commentary on the show because apparently we're not a money show. If you want to listen to old episodes of Another Money show, you can find them on their website, anothermoneyshow.com you can listen to old episodes wherever you like and subscribe to podcasts. If you have questions for us, you want more articles on any of the stuff we're talking about, reach out to us at team@AnotherMoney Show.com or give us a call. 623-523-0444. That number again is 623 52-30444. We'll be right back.
[00:27:13] Speaker B: This is another Money show, except this one's different. This one's actually fun.
At Rochford and Associates, we know you've worked hard to earn your money and you've worked worked even harder to save it. When it comes to wealth management and Planning for retirement, J.R. rochford and his team of specialists have been helping individuals, families and business owners find financial freedom at their veteran owned firm for more than 25 years. Give us a call now at 623-523-0444. That's 623-523-0444.
Another weekend, another money show. Visit anothermoneyshow.com welcome back to ANOTHER Money Show.
[00:28:07] Speaker C: Thank you so much for being with us. You know we appreciate it. Please let people know about us. I know this is an unusual show but hopefully you're, you're enjoying it and spreading the word. Also, don't Forget about our YouTube channel. We would love you to peek in on it. We need more subscribers and more views. So if you can help us, we'd be honored. And lastly, don't forget what we do for a living. We're financial advisors during our day job. If we can sit with you and be a second opinion, if anything we ever say by accident that's financial piques your interest. We do talk about income planning. We talk about how to know when to take Social Security. We talk about generational wealth transfer using life insurance, for example. If you have an old 401k and you want an opinion on should it stay, should you cash it out, should you do an ira, we do all that stuff. Should you do a Roth conversion, you know we have a partnership with an attorney. Do you need A will or a trust. We explain to you what is an umbrella policy. We are full service, financial planning, estate plan. And so keep us in mind. We'd be honored to sit down with you. There's no cost, there's no obligation. Anthony says that every week, we do not care if you have $5,000 or 5 million. We're going to treat you the same and we're going to do our best to help you. We actually, you know, we think you might need us more if you have five thousand and five million. So keep us in mind for that, too. Back to the end of the world. And by the way, I did have somebody ask me if I'm going to the doctor. No, I'm not going to the doctor. I mean, if things get bad enough where I can't walk and can't function, I'll go to the doctor. I have never had a huge amount of faith in doctors. I don't know why. I think part of it, when I was growing up, I questioned the fact that you should eat eggs, the incredible edible egg. And then all of a sudden, you shouldn't. They were bad for you. You're going to get high cholesterol and die. And then you should smoke. I remember commercials.
Smoke and then you shouldn't smoke. And then I got a little older and I saw these commercials. You should tell your doctor what med you want. You should ask your doctor, you know about this drug and this drug? No, they. They should tell me if I need that drug. And then my father had stage four cancer in the late 90s. I was told he had six weeks to live. He died 15 years later. So I don't know. I mean, I. I think the. I don't know. I don't have full faith. And for me, personally, I've watched. I watched your mom, Anthony. I watched Sandy go through a couple different health things, and we never got answers that made sense. Nothing seemed to make sense. I was like, oh, here we go again. The granddaddy for me is Covid. When I watched people going through Covid and these doctors and, you know, if it's really true that hospitals got more money if they put you on a ventilator, all of this stuff I read, you know, the fact that ivermectin is bad for you and hydroxychloroquine is this trump meta. It's like I lost more faith. So right now I would be afraid to go to a doctor. But that'll change if it gets worse. So I'm not. I'm also not Willing to die over a chest cold or whatever it is. So. And Sam brought up during the break, you think it's just us that are negative. Sam said that bird flu has now jumped to cows. I heard that also. I heard that yesterday. So that's scary if you eat meat or if you drink milk or any of that stuff, or if you think cows are just lovable and cute like I do, you know, you. I want to pet a cow. I. I don't want to tip cows. I think that's uncool. But I do want to pet them. So Back to the USAID for a minute. $32,000. 32. Listen to this amount. It's like when. When you have a country that's 36.4 trillion in debt, who gives a crap about $32,000? But put things in perspective. If you think, you know, each drop of water in a bathtub is just a drop of water, but once the tub's full, it's like they add up. $32,000 for a transgender comic book in Peru.
A comic book. 32. I don't give a crap what country it is. I don't care what sex the comic book is. Transgender comic book improve. I care that it cost $32,000. And I was in the Air Force, so I remember I worked as a NCOIC of the Air Transportable Hospital, and I worked in medical readiness, where, you know, it came out that the Air Force paid, like, you know, thousands of dollars for a hammer and a toilet seat and all this stuff. And as Sam said, when I was a kid, we had Transformers. Well, I think Trump just signed an executive order that the Transformers are no longer. They can only be formers or they can't be. So bye bye Transformers. No more women in men's sports or men and women's sports or kind of sports. You know, flu fluid now. So anyway, yeah. Two million for sex changes and LGBT activism in Guatemala. Six million to a fund to fund tourism in Egypt. Why is it our job to fund tourism in Egypt? I'm just asking.
Perhaps. And even more alarming are the revelations that USAID funds have indirectly benefited designated terrorist organizations and controversial entities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were funneled to a nonprofit linked designated terror groups, even after an inspector general launched an investigation. I'll give you one more thing here because it kind of ties in with my lack of faith with doctors. Millions of dollars were awarded to Ecohealth alliance, an organization involved in controversial research at the Wuhan Lab. Wuhan Lab, which has been the center of debates over the origins. I can't talk today. Origins of COVID 19. So I've got a question for you. So this USAID Covid, I mean, you know, pretty easy to see. It was the biggest black swan event in the history of our country and the world, I dare say. Do you know anybody that got sick with a Covid? Worse. Do you know anybody that died? Do you know any senior communities that you couldn't see your 90 year old grandparent or parent? I mean, think back about what we went through in the end of 19, beginning of 20 March, middle of March 2020, it really ramped up. You know, if you know anybody died, we know some. Anthony, what about the funeral we went to for our attorney friend Carolyn? I mean we went to a Latin mass, by the way, her funeral was in Latin. So that was interesting. So I mean now, now it turns out that all of that weirdness and all that, you know, we, we funded some of that through our taxpayer dollars.
Hundreds of thousands of meals that ended up in the hands of Al Qaeda affiliated fighters in Syria. That's nice. So we're feeding terrorists. One of the most egregious examples of USAID's mismanagement is the role in Afghanistan opium trade. The agency spent hundreds of millions of dollars on irrigation canals.
We have some of these ridiculous public servants for life that are saying, you know, this is ridiculous. They want to lock musk up. I mean, this is insane. I would say this is the best thing that's happened in my lifetime in this country right now.
You did hear, Anthony, that yesterday on the 5th of February that they are going to file articles of impeachment on Trump already.
So that didn't take long.
17 days in to the Trump administration and they are going to impeach him already. So let's see how this goes. If you want to do a little research. I sent myself an article last night, but I haven't even read it yet.
Just the top of tip of the iceberg on this stuff. Democratic Representative Al Green. I will bring articles of impeachment. And it says here this is what it's for and I cannot make this up. I'm not lying. You need to do a quick Internet search and make sure I'm telling the truth here.
I announce that I will bring articles of impeachment against the President. Here's, here's the fun part for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.
So we don't have any Russian information, Russian disinformation, Russian vodka. We don't have any of that right now.
[00:36:42] Speaker D: But we got dastardly deeds.
[00:36:44] Speaker C: Dirty deeds done dirt cheapy.
[00:36:48] Speaker D: That's exactly what I was thinking when you were reading that.
[00:36:53] Speaker C: I swear, if you research this. Kids, if you're listening to us, Al Green, if you're listening to this, think how stupid you are. Is that okay to call a public official stupid? Especially when they probably have a lot of millions on their own. They could sue.
[00:37:05] Speaker D: It's never stopped you before.
[00:37:07] Speaker C: It has not. That is. That is correct.
[00:37:09] Speaker D: And you know that that's actually how the first amendment is supposed to be used. Ah.
[00:37:14] Speaker C: Can you imagine it's not only supposed to use one sidedly if it's not what you want to hear. So yeah. So Al Green, dastard. I'm going to read it one more time just because I can't believe and I'm actually looking at it right now.
Unreal. I announced that I will be bring articles of impeachment against the President for dastardly deeds proposed and dastardly deeds done.
Wow. Okay. That's what we're living in.
Sam, you're not supposed to make me laugh either. Sam, put up on the board. The doomsday clock just ticked one more second closer to midnight thanks to dastardly deeds. I don't know, I think it jumped two or three seconds because dastardly deeds sound so. Just dastardly. So whatever that is, that's what Trump's doing now I am giddy like a little school girl. Is that sexist or is that okay? Again? Now I am giddy at what's going on. I can't wait to see how this stuff plays out. All I care about this USAID the bottom line for me, we've been so corrupt and so filthy for so long and if we start turning the ship around and this country has a chance at surviving, I cannot wait. You brought up tariffs, Anthony. I think that tariffs in the short run are going to be very inflationary. I think there's going to be some pain. I did listen to the President talk about that and he said yes, there's going to be pain short term for a long term benefit. The only thing that I worry about past the long term benefit, you know, you do realize we've talked about for years on the show, the rest of the world is done with us. It's already too late for us. So the brics plus nations. This may also accelerate the demise of us as the world reserve currency. So it may actually change things even faster. So we'll have to wait and see on that. End too. Don't care. I mean, whatever's going to play out, bring it on. I mean, I'm tired of watching.
[00:39:16] Speaker D: Well, I do want to.
Yeah, I like that too. Was we talked about the External Revenue Service versus the internal. I mean I don't see him actually following through with, I mean he's I guess followed through with pretty much everything he said. So maybe that is going to be a thing. But, but I just, I see a lot of posts from my friends bashing the tariffs and how they're going to complain about that it's just going to raise prices. But what I absolutely love is that's the exact same argument that the right is used to not wanting to raise minimum wages. If you raise wages, it's just going to raise the cost. Well, anything they're going to use to make an excuse to raise the costs. So hopefully. I don't know. I like the thought of the tariffs. It gives them more incentives to build things here. And then China, I'm sure you've heard, has going to have their own tariffs on us. They're proposing a 15 or 10% tariff which the big heavy hitters for that are going to be cell phones, electronics, pretty much just in general, industrial equipment, furniture, clothing. I mean there's a ton of stuff that we're getting from China. But again, if we bring manufacturing back here and start giving people better paying jobs and just jobs in general, you know, these are, these are positives. There's pros and cons to everything. It's not always that simple, but to me at least it seems like a step in the right direction. So that's what I'm looking forward to.
[00:40:42] Speaker C: Well, in the article you sent me, China counters with tariffs on US products. It will also investigate Google. Is that like tit for tat? Oh, sorry Sam, can I say the word tit or tat on here? So.
Well, you know Google, is this because we are investigating? Tick tock. What's this about?
[00:41:00] Speaker D: Well also we know Google Shape, but it's funny that they're, they're investigating in China which does absolutely nothing since half of it's scrubbed from China's services anyways. How much?
[00:41:12] Speaker C: Yeah, they're communist.
[00:41:13] Speaker D: It's like, why does this even matter? How is that what they're going to target?
[00:41:18] Speaker C: Yeah, so what does it matter? We'll see. I mean all of this stuff is, it's all just this. Everything's being ruffled. Every feather in this country is being ruffled. You know, it's so interesting, the history we're seeing right now, right before us, I just, I can't wait. So. And when you talk about clothes and all that stuff, I heard that Tommy Hilfinger, Hilfiger or whatever his name is and what's the other one? Gas. I don't know. Some of these names that I guess are higher end names. They might be out of business.
Okay. I mean, I don't know. I guess for me personally, whatever is going to play out here, if it helps this country, then then so be it. If you were, if you. And you said cell phones, if you were getting all of your cell phones made for cheap in India and China. If they can make a cell phone for like 80 bucks or whatever and we're paying 1200 bucks for it, I mean, okay, we're being screwed so bad. And by the way, I think cell phones are the worst thing that's ever happened in this country. I watch one of my sons, I won't name which one, but I watch one of my sons and man, if he's not near his phone, he gets into a depression. It's crazy. I'm pretty addicted to mine and I shouldn't give this much personal HIPAA protective information. But I don't remember the last time I went into the bathroom without thinking I need my phone. You know what? If I have any downtime, I better have that phone with me. Yeah, I. So let's see what happens. Number one thing that I want to see made here because I think it is a matter of life and death. Prescription medicines we learned during COVID and I made fun of it. You bought your masks so you could be so safe and healthy. And they were all coming from China. How ironic. But I really think I would like this country to be more self sufficient. We have enough oil under the ground to be self sufficient. We have enough worker. Well, we do at this point we won't soon we have enough workers to do all this stuff. Anthony, you want higher wages? Let's do it all at once. Let's bring everything on at once. Shake things up and see what they are. 36. I'll bring this up for what? 18th time today. 36.4 trillion a debt. We were on a spiral to end world reserve currency, strategic oil reserve. Everything we've brought up for the last three years was pointing to the fact that you. We're going to be unrecognizable within the next decade or whatever. Well now maybe we accelerate that or we don't. Maybe things get better. I don't know. So let's switch Gears. You sent me an article and it was funny. I don't know if I sent you an article about the same thing, but you sent me an article from AP News. Well, tell me a little bit about the article you sent me. The title was former Federal Reserve Advisor Indicted and Arrested for Alleged Espionage in Dealings with China. It's pretty good segue, as we're talking about.
[00:44:06] Speaker D: I mean, essentially the same article you sent me. And you sent me from the Justice Department's website itself, which I thought, you know, is way more reliable than AP News to have it come from the government itself to say who is it? Was his name John Rogers? So John Rogers is allegedly.
Well, he's been. Was it Arrested for.
[00:44:31] Speaker C: Indicted. Arrested, no bond, no bail.
[00:44:33] Speaker D: Allegedly giving up federal economic secrets to China. Supposedly he has been a professor over there making about half a million a year. So Wozy was with them from a little over a decade, I believe. So, yeah. We'll see what happens there. Giving trade and economic secrets of our crumbling economy to China so that they can strike.
[00:44:58] Speaker C: Well, and the article you sent me. Yeah, the only thing I highlighted was a grand jury indictment accuses John Harold Rogers, 63, of Vienna, Virginia of Stealing Federal Reserve trade secrets and selling them to the Chinese intelligence officials for at least 450,000 by posing as a university professor in China. He also is accused of lying to Federal Reserve investigators and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau officials. Okay, let's break this down for just a quick second. So, Harold. Harold, if you're listening, John Harold Rogers, 63, Virginia. So you worked for whom? Didn't you work for Yellen, our favorite cartoon? Wasn't Yellen over there getting high on mushroom soup in China? Maybe Yellen knew about this. Maybe this is way deeper. I bet you didn't put that together, did you? Anthony? You do not wear the same tinfoil hat that I do. And I understand that. So the article that I sent to you was from. Yes, it was. From www.justice.gov Office of Public Affairs. Couple things that I highlighted. China holds a large amount of U.S. foreign debt. Approximately 816 billion as of October 2024. The data Rogers shared with his co conspirators could allow China to manipulate the US Market in a manner similar to inside trading. Gaining advanced knowledge of the US Economic policy, including advanced knowledge of changes to the federal funds rate, could provide China with an advantage when selling or buying US Bonds or securities. That means our whole entire system is a sham right there. And we've also told you it's been a sham on multiple levels Big ass house of cards. So this is just one more example.
Going a little further. Under the guise of teaching classes, they put classes in parentheses. Rogers met with his co conspirators in hotel rooms in China where he conveyed sensitive trade secret information that belonged to the FRB and the FOMC in 2023. That all rhymes, doesn't it? The FOMC, 2023. Rogers was paid approximately $450,000 as a part time professor at a Chinese university. So the Chinese university, do you hold your classes in a hotel or was, I mean, is it, you know, an online academy? Come on. Okay, so first thing, when you sent me that article and I sent you my article, first thing that hit me was that's interesting because Yellen was in charge of this whole thing. So more corruption. Second thing that hit me, which, I mean, I, I don't think this is a stretch. This is treason. Right? This is beyond. You know, when you're giving insider information about our monetary policy to the Chinese, that's treason. I'm going to be a little extreme here and a little unchristian. Like when I say hang him, don't. Don't give him prison. Don't put him in a blue collar, pound me in the back. Prison, hang him. Is that too extreme? Anthony, you're younger. You're a younger generation. You're not Archie Bunkerish yet, although you're, you're going to be me. Don't worry.
[00:48:17] Speaker D: You are very Christian of you to say hang him.
[00:48:20] Speaker C: So I'm g. Say it again. Hang him. It's treason. You know, when this country started, there was directions and treason is a hangable offense. And I say we bring that back. There's less likely of more of these guys coming out if we hang them when we catch them. So he's indicted. If it's proven and he really did this, do not put him in prison. Do not fine him. Hang him. Any assets he has, I'm sure he's another one of these wealthy government officials to take any of the assets he has, give them to, I don't know, feed the food insecure. Let's, let's house a couple more homeless people and then hang him. You want me say hang him again or did I make my point clear on what I think should happen to people with this level of corruption?
Let's talk about one more thing. Let's talk about senior us. As long as we're on corruption and hanging people, let's talk about one more.
This is funny because I can't wait to hear the show on Saturday. When we record the show, I mean, I'm involved so I kind of hear what we're saying. But I listen to it on the weekend once, sometimes twice, to really hear what came out of my mouth. Mostly somewhat. What came out of your mouth.
And by the way, I forgot to say it the last couple weeks. I believe our job is to make sure that you are proactive, not reactive. We want you prepared, not scared. We bring you all this stuff that we gather for the entire week because you're not seeing this stuff. I think more of the world is you, Anthony, not me. You like music. When we were driving across town yesterday, we didn't go by the Capitol, so we didn't see all the rioters and protesting. We. You put on music. I haven't listened to music in my vehicle in forever. I listen to talk radio. The good thing about talk radio, as soon as a commercial comes on, I switch to another state. Oh, I shouldn't say that since we're on talk radio, but I float around looking for what is of interest to me. I'm always. I'm a sponge for news. So we take a week's worth of information that you're probably not getting and we bring it to you in one hour of a week. You know, hopefully it's beneficial if you're listening to us regularly. I'm guessing it is, but hopefully you've done some of the things we've said. Pay down debt, put away hard assets, whether you're a good fit for gold and silver, food and water, whatever you need to make sure you're ready for whatever's coming. Let us help you. I guess I got to hurry. I understand we're getting low on time.
See here. So this last article, we're not going to get to dig in, obviously, but this last article, if it piques your interest. It's from Reuters. On 31 January, senior U.S. treasury official to exit after rift with Musk. Says here the highest ranking treasury official, highest ranking one David Liebrick, is resigning rather than complying with a request by Doge for access to audit where they've spent trillions, not billions, trillions of dollars a year. Why would career bureaucrats fear an audit?
I guess I can stop there. I mean, if we can save the country money and the taxpayers money, why are you don't want to cooperate because you're slimy, David. Everything is going to come out that everything you thought was okay in this country, Anthony, is not. And then you are officially going to come over to my side and wear the tinfoil hat proudly. Right? I know you see it. You know you want to fight me. You're still stuck in that normalcy bias that you're ingrained in, but it's coming out.
[00:52:06] Speaker D: It's not normalcy bias all the time.
[00:52:09] Speaker C: Yes it is. Everything's normalcy bias. Remind me next week to read the definition of normalcy bias.
[00:52:13] Speaker D: Jeez, that's what we think is.
[00:52:14] Speaker C: How.
[00:52:17] Speaker D: Is that all we got? Is that it for this week?
[00:52:19] Speaker C: Yeah, that's. I can't talk anymore.
[00:52:21] Speaker D: That's fair. Anyways, so it does seem as though that is it for today's show, which was probably the least we've ever really talked about any financial stuff. Usually we pepper some stuff in, but that's fine. This show is supposed to be about news and Jer and I bickering, so you got a lot of that this week. So if you want to talk finances, that is our day job. We are financial advisors. That's what we're supposed to be doing. So if you like anything that you heard, you know you want to hear more from us. You want to go over your personal financial situation, reach out to us team@Another Money Show.com is our email on the web anothermoney show.com there's a little context box.
You can reach us there and you can even set appointments with us straight from the website. So we would love to sit down with you and chat. We get a lot of random emails from longtime listeners throughout the week when we love that. We love the communications. But anyways, if you do decide that you want to sit with us, there are no minimums, there's no cost for appointments. There's really nothing to lose by getting a second opinion on your financial situation. So in the meantime, check out old episodes wherever you like and subscribe to podcasts. Another Money Show. We'll see you again next Saturday at noon right here on 9 60. The Patriot with Re airs on Sunday at 1pm.
[00:53:41] Speaker B: Thanks for listening to another money show. You deserve to work with a private wealth management firm that will strategically work to protect your hard earned assets. To schedule your free no obligation consultation, visit anothermoneyshow.com Investment advisory services offer through Brookstone Capital Management LLC, BCM. A registered investment advisor, BCM and Rochford Financial are independent of each other. Insurance products and services are not offered through BCM but are offered and sold through individually licensed and appointed agents. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated are not guaranteed. Past performance cannot be used as an indicator to determine future results.
[00:54:20] Speaker A: When it comes to retirement planning, focus more on income than building a big nest egg. I'm Matt McClure with the Retirement Radio Network powered by Amerilife. It may sound counterintuitive, but that big nest egg number you probably have in your head means a lot less than the income you'll have each month in retirement.
[00:54:38] Speaker E: The math has all changed here, but the bottom line is times your superpower. Save as much as you can.
[00:54:43] Speaker A: NBC News senior business correspondent Christine Romans recently said on the Today show that you should not just rely on Social Security in your retirement years.
[00:54:51] Speaker E: Social Security alone is not likely to support you in the manner to which you are accustomed.
[00:54:55] Speaker C: Right.
[00:54:56] Speaker E: You want to wait as long as possible to get that maybe 70. If you wait till you're 70 to collect Social Security, you'll get the biggest.
[00:55:02] Speaker A: Check and she says contribute to your retirement accounts early, early and often.
[00:55:06] Speaker E: So this is from Fidelity. They say at age 30 you should have one time your salary in a retirement account when you're 30. So think about what your salary is at age 30 and that's how much you should have in your retirement account. By 50, it should be 6. This is where I start to freak out because I know a lot of people can't and don't do this. By age 67, it should be 10.
[00:55:23] Speaker A: Times a personal pension. Using a fixed indexed annuity is also a great option for many pre retirees and retirees to consider. It offers protection from market volatility and a guaranteed stream of income that will last the rest of your life no matter how long you live. Having a big nest egg may sound nice, but focusing more on income will set you up for success in your golden years. So do you know where your paychecks and playchecks will come from each month when you leave the workforce? That's a key question to consider as you plan for what's ahead with the Retirement radio network powered by AmericanLife. I'm Matt McClure.